Hi! Long time no see, right? Well, since my old laptop is kinda slow so I wasn't in the mood to write any post. Actually, i have many things to write, and fun pictures about my recent activity, but let's just wait until my laptop come back from the service.
So, in this post I'm going to write an assignment from Miss Yola, the topic is "Opinion" and what we need to do is to give our opinion about Indonesian Traditional "Kebaya". She separated us in groups made of three peoples. Here we go
Indonesia Traditional "Kebaya"
Title Issue:
In many parts of Indonesia, the kebaya is seen as a strong nationalistic symbol and has been strongly supported as a symbol of identity for Indonesian women by prominent figures throughout the nation's history.
Recently, this traditional dress has become recognized internationally as it is used as the uniform for flight attendance (stewardesses) on Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines and Garuda Indonesia.
Singapore Airlines' Unifrom
Malaysia Airlines' Uniform
Garuda Airlines' Uniform
People's Opinion about Indonesia Traditional "Kebaya":
In our opinion, we think of this as a positive way to spread Indonesian Kebaya in international world. As it's been used as a stewardesses uniform, the more people recognized that it is ours, our kebaya. We also believe that kebaya isn't originally Indonesians, since Malaysia and Singapore has it too. From the source we read, there are opinion that said kebaya is from China and spreaded to Malacca, Java, Sulawesi, Sumatera and Bali. But there are also saying that said China's traditional clothes is Cheongsam which is different from kebaya. Since Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore are from the same clump, so we couldn't avoid the similarities between our cultures. So that's why they also have their own kebaya, of course with different pattern as you can see above. As we see, Indonesian's pattern is using Indonesian batik for the skirt. Meanwhile Singapore's and Malaysia's using Chinese symbolystic with different style too.
More Information to Elaborate the Opinion:
The difference between Indonesian and Malaysian kebaya is pretty obvious. Plus, there are several kind of kebaya in Malaysia such as Nyonya Kebaya, Baju Kurung, and I guess there are some more kind of it. The "Nyonya Kebaya" as we know was created by the Peranakan people from
Malacca. Using Chinese pattern and worn by Chinese ancestry. Meanwhile Baju Kurung is like muslim version of kebaya, and some of students in Malaysia wear it as a school uniform as I know. As for Indonesian kebaya has some obvious changes from the traditional to modern one. The traditional one was very simple, worn at Majapahit period, stands of "kemben" and "sarung". For modern one, it's more glamorous with payettes all over the transparent clothes with batik skirt. So there are differences between Indonesian, Singapore and Malaysian kebaya, since we couldn't confirm which statements is true. Whether it is from China or orgininally from Indonesia, but we believe it's from China.
"Baju Kurung"
Indonesian Modern" Kebaya"
Sorry if I made lots of mistake, correct me if I'm wrong^^ I'll post about my last holiday soon!
source: Google & Wiki