Monday, April 18, 2016

English Assignment: Write an Open Letter

Another English assignment from Ms.Yola..yay! Not really yay though. All of my classmates are paired into two, and here I am writing this open letter by myself. It is because my class have an odd numbered student which is 27. Ms.Yola paired us into two just in case we aren't ready to face the internet sarcasm for our open letter. So if you're reading this, please understand that I'm only 17 years old and trying to speak up my minds. If you got something to say, just comment and I'll gladly answer it.

An Open Letter to the City Mayor of Samarinda

Balikpapan City (Credit: Google)

I'm just a senior high school student of SMAN 10 Samarinda, but I hope you would take my open letter seriously. I live in Samarinda since when I was born, I do feel very happy to be here. But there is one thing that bothers me, it is that Balikpapan is more adequate to be the capital city of East Borneo than Samarinda. I have a lot of friends from all over Indonesia, and they only familiar with Balikpapan. Some of them even tends to think that Samarinda is a small and not well-developed city. From my very own perspective, Balikpapan would be even more great in the future. Why? By now, Balikpapan already got that predicate which is the most livable city in Indonesia even in the world and beats Paris. The city structure, the rules obedience, even the people’s behavior is well maintained. The street is very clean and neat, that’s why they got Adipura award almost every year. Their airport, Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport, ranked 16 on the best airport in the world. There are so much more things to relate from Balikpapan. 

And Samarinda? Eventhough the city is already well organized time to time, but still it’s not as neat as Balikpapan. As for the government, the community organization is taking more role in everything than the city mayor did, such as Pemuda Pancasila, Kopasti Gepak, etc. Also, we still could see so many beggars and street musicians in the Samarinda’s traffic light which we can’t find in Balikpapan. The tourist attraction in Balikpapan is also well maintained, such as beach, mangrove forest, and education center. Meanwhile in Samarinda, we don’t even know what is our tourist attraction. None of them are well maintained or even interesting enough. The bad news is, from the last report I heard that Trans Corp will build their famous amusement park, Trans Studio, in Balikpapan. As what I’ve heard from the insiders that the People’s Representative Council or DPR is making it difficult for Trans Corp to build their park in Samarinda. They make so much excuses to gain their own benefit with this project. So the governor immediately move the Trans Studio project to Balikpapan since Balikpapan has no problem or cumber the construction. We can see that in the future, Balikpapan will be even more a success city in Indonesia. Of course, that’ll be a huge step back to Samarinda. You can see the greatness of Balikpapan City on this link below. Really. It gives me chills.

Why can’t we learn from them? I know it is a good thing that our neighbor city is developing really well, but..we’re the capital city! I really hope that there is something that I can be proud of from Samarinda. I  want people to praise Samarinda like they praise how great Balikpapan is. Please just let Trans Studio to be here in Samarinda, so that we have something to be proud of. I beg you please city mayor, please develop our city well. Make it obvious that we are the capital city. I love Samarinda, and I want other people in Indonesia know that we are the capital city of East Borneo. Wouldn't it be great if we can achieve what Balikpapan has achieve?

So that’s all I want to say in my letter. Once again, please note that I’m only a senior high student that is doing her assignment. This is from my very own perspective and if you have a disagreement with opinion please respect it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

English Assignment: Indonesia Traditional "Kebaya"

Hi! Long time no see, right? Well, since my old laptop is kinda slow so I wasn't in the mood to write any post. Actually, i have many things to write, and fun pictures about my recent activity, but let's just wait until my laptop come back from the service.

So, in this post I'm going to write an assignment from Miss Yola, the topic is "Opinion" and what we need to do is to give our opinion about Indonesian Traditional "Kebaya". She separated us in groups made of three peoples. Here we go

Indonesia Traditional "Kebaya"

Title Issue:

     In many parts of Indonesia, the kebaya is seen as a strong nationalistic symbol and has been strongly supported as a symbol of identity for Indonesian women by prominent figures throughout the nation's history.
     Recently, this traditional dress has become recognized internationally as it is used as the uniform for flight attendance (stewardesses) on Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines and Garuda Indonesia. 

Singapore Airlines' Unifrom 
Malaysia Airlines' Uniform
Garuda Airlines' Uniform

People's Opinion about Indonesia Traditional "Kebaya":
     In our opinion, we think of this as a positive way to spread Indonesian Kebaya in international world. As it's been used as a stewardesses uniform, the more people recognized that it is ours, our kebaya. We also believe that kebaya isn't originally Indonesians, since Malaysia and Singapore has it too. From the source we read, there are opinion that said kebaya is from China and spreaded to Malacca, Java, Sulawesi, Sumatera and Bali. But there are also saying that said China's traditional clothes is Cheongsam which is different from kebaya. Since Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore are from the same clump, so we couldn't avoid the similarities between our cultures. So that's why they also have their own kebaya, of course with different pattern as you can see above. As we see, Indonesian's pattern is using Indonesian batik for the skirt. Meanwhile Singapore's and Malaysia's using Chinese symbolystic with different style too. 
More Information to Elaborate the Opinion:
     The difference between Indonesian and Malaysian kebaya is pretty obvious. Plus, there are several kind of kebaya in Malaysia such as Nyonya Kebaya, Baju Kurung, and I guess there are some more kind of it. The "Nyonya Kebaya" as we know was created by the Peranakan people from Malacca. Using Chinese pattern and worn by Chinese ancestry. Meanwhile Baju Kurung is like muslim version of kebaya, and some of students in Malaysia wear it as a school uniform as I know. As for Indonesian kebaya has some obvious changes from the traditional to modern one. The traditional one was very simple, worn at Majapahit period, stands of "kemben" and "sarung". For modern one, it's more glamorous with payettes all over the transparent clothes with batik skirt. So there are differences between Indonesian, Singapore and Malaysian kebaya, since we couldn't confirm which statements is true. Whether it is from China or orgininally from Indonesia, but we believe it's from China.

The Nyonya Kebaya
"Baju Kurung"

Indonesian Modern" Kebaya"

Sorry if I made lots of mistake,  correct me if I'm wrong^^ I'll post about my last holiday soon!

 source: Google & Wiki


Thursday, January 1, 2015

1st Day on 2015

Hi! It's January 1st on 2015 yeaaayyy!!
Honestly, I didn't feel anything last night when the year changed........................
I just went to sleep as always, on 10.30PM...........................

 Well yeah i think in this post I will talk about my experiences in 2014. #npRaisa-Terjebak Nostalgia

So, 2014 is my first year in high school. I went to SMA 10 Samarinda. When I was in junior high, I really didn't have any idea of which senior high school I want to go. One day, my mom recommended me to take the test in SMA 10 and i said, "no, that school doesn't suits me. You know I'm not that typical girl who studied a lot. That school is not for me". My mom said "just take the test and see the result. If you get accepted, you have to go there. And if you're not, you can go to any school you want". I agreed, because I know I won't success in the test. So in the test day, I went to the school building and I got class number 4 or 6, I forgot. Then the test started, there were 150 questions and I was just like "please waktunya cepetan abis". Okay let's just go with Bahasa okay, because I'm not really confident with my grammar. Sumpah itu saya ngerjainnya asal-asalan dan ga niat banget. Mana ketiduran pula. Jadi waktu tesnya udah selesai, istirahat nih. Ke kantin kan, eh asik banget makanan di kantinnya banyak banget, ada 3 kulkas buat minuman, ada es krim juga. Terus ada warjok juga tuh yg jual cirengnya enak gila. Abis istirahat saya ngapain ya kok lupa................... Yah intinya gitu dah, saya pulang kan. My mom asked, "gimana tadi testnya?". "Susah. Banget. Gatau deh kayaknya ga lolos". "Liat duluu hasilnya entar". Yaudah deh pasrah aja. Terus sih kalo ga salah ingat, abistu datang lagi buat wawancara. Lamaaa banget dah ngantri wawancaranya, satu kelas cuman ada dua pewawancara. Udah kan nih giliran saya, eh dapat bapak pewawamcara yg baiik, he spoke javanese gitu jadi beliau ngobrolnya sama my mom-_- bahkan beliau ternyata satu kampung sama my mom jadi mereka asik ngobrol tentang kampung halaman, jadi saya terabaikan....... Then he asked me "ndak ngerti to ngomong apa?" and i just smiled. He asked again "matanya min to? itu kamu pake lensa?". The my mom said no. Pokoknya lamaaa banget dah obrolan my mom sama bapaknya. Bapaknya juga nanya "kalau wajib asrama, kamu siap?". "Siap pak". "Cita-citanya mau jadi apa?". "Ngelanjutin bisnis papa saya, Pak". "Waah bagus itu, kalo bisnis bagusnya di Universitas Ciputra di Surabaya, bisnis manajemen". Jujur saya agak sedih pas blg cita-cita saya, sebenernya saya pengen ambil jurusan HI, pengen jadi Duta Indonesia untuk negara lain. Tapi ya siapa lagi yang ngelanjutin bisnis papa saya kalau bukan saya, kan? Saya juga sepertinya excited buat kuliah di Surabaya, Surabaya is my dream city, idk why I just love Surabaya so much!

Nah jadi udah kan. Tes tertulis udah, wawancara juga udah. Tinggal nunggu hasil. Jadi waktu itu saya lagi sholat dzuhur, pas itu hari Jum'at jadi yg ceweknya pada sholat di kelas berjamaah. Ada yg ngecek website SMA 10 tuh, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh ternyata saya keterima! Gatau kenapa saya excited dah teriak-teriak di kelas itu sama temen-temen saya yg keterima lainnya. Terus adek kelas 1 sama kelas 2 sama guru-gurunya cuma tediam ngeliat saya sama temen-temen saya teriak-teriak. And I saw my crush's name too! Jadi kinda excited kan sma bareng crush #yahgagalmoveon #yahyahyah #maapcurhat. So yeah, jadinya pendaftaran ulang gitu kan blablablablabla sampai akhirnya hari mos pertama di education center. Disuruh bawa tanaman gitu. Dan saya datangnya telat............. sumpah itu bingung malu gaada yang dikenal. Untung saya liat Handi, temen sd saya jadi saya deket2 dia dulu gitu, soalnnya temen smp saya ga ada keliatan sama sekali :(  Nah gak lama habis itu saya liat Ageng, temen smp saya, dia juga baru datang karena terlambat. Akhirnya saya nempel sama dia dulu kan soalnya gak ada ketemu yg lain. Asdfghjklsbdkkbs sudah kan masuk ke gedung terus ada sambutan dari Pak Armin, sebagai kepsek. Gedungnya panas gila, jadi disuruh keluar deh kita, bikin gugus gitu. Ya namanya saya ga nemu temen cewek saya kan, jadi saya masih nempel sama temen cowok saya tadi. Diolokin ini itu deh sama kakak kelasnya, dan abistu akhirnya bikin gugus cewek sendiri cowok sendiri. Akhirnyaaaaaaaaaa ketemu temen cewek smp saya yeaayy! Dapat Kak Tara tu yg ngurusin gugus saya, cantik deh kakaknya, eh gataunya seumuran, kakaknya aksel. Terus hari kedua sama ketiga, mosnya di gedung sekolah yg baru tuh yg di Jl. Perjuangan. Sumpah ya 3 hari mos itu panass banget, langsung gosong kulit hiks hiks. Ohiya pas mos juga ada pemilihan ketan alias ketua angkatan sama nama angkatan. Jadi ketan saya namanya Hadyan sama Dhilla. Nama angkatan saya EPIC alias Eighteen Potentially Incredible. Artinya yaa semacam angkatan saya potensialnya keren gitu deh haha amiinn.

Nah di SMA 10 ini, saya dapat kelas X-MIA 6. Ada temen dari smp saya si Nola sama Widi. Terus denger-denger di kelas saya banyak murid yg jalur undangan gitu....... Jadi minder. Wali kelas saya namanya Pak Mushadi Iksan, guru matwa. Saya juga jadi wakil ketua kelas, meanwhile ketua kelasnya si Wildan. Tapi berhubung Wildan sibuk pelatihan osn fisika, jadi saya deh yg aktif ikut forum kelas. Isinya cowok semua....... Iyalah, isinya ketua kelas dari seluruh kelas yang ada. MIA-1 sampai 9, sama IIS. Asik sih di forum kelas, banyaak banget yg di bahas. Saya sih seringnya diam doang ngedengarkan pembicaraan mereka. Banyaak banget yg saya pelajarin semenjak saya masuk forum kelas. Saya jadi makin berani bicara. Soalnya saya dari kecil punya ketakutan tersendiri buat ngomong sama orang-orang, is it like phobia? idk. Then saya juga daftar buat jadi osis, seleksinya serem gitu, dibentak-bentak terus dipojokkin sampe skak mat. Nah untung saya dapat kakak pewawancaranya yg baik, Kak Farkhan sama Kak siapa satunya saya lupa... Kebetulan Kak Farkhan itu adiknya wali kelas saya pas smp, Mrs.Azizah. Honestly, saya juga ga puas sama jawaban saya sendiri waktu diwawancara, so sad:( Kenapa saya mau masuk osis, karena saya mau dapat banyak pengalaman, dan juga mau ngehilangkan that 'phobia' thing. Nah jadi di SMA 10 ini punya tradisi SMADAF, Smaridasa Family. Banyak cabang-cabang keluarga gitu deh. Ada ordo, limtang, natrium, dll. Saya masuk ke natrium, kakak saya namanya Kak Zulfah Khusnul Khotimah. Kakaknya baik, kalem, muslimah, beda banget sama saya. Saya jadi malu................ Nah di akhir acara smadaf, diumumin anak epic yang keterima di osis. Alhamdulillah saya keterima yeaay! Saya di sekbid 8, Sastra dan Budaya, barengan sama Intan anak kelas saya. Seneng banget keterima di osis, ga sia-sia nunggu wawancara sampai sore. Nah di osis saya juga dapat banyaaak banget pelajaran. Ada masalah yg ngga enakin lah, dicaci maki sama temen sendiri lah, ada yg ngga suka sama osis lah, banyak masalah deh pokoknya tapi saya senang itu bisa dijadikan pelajaran yg berharga banget. Yg gak bisa saya dapetin kalo saya ngga masuk osis. Saya juga cukup kenal sama guru-guru. Pak Sidik juga sering hubungin saya kalau ada acara seminar gitu, jadi saya sering dispen buat ngehadirin acara seperti itu. Mulai dari acara pendekatan TNI dengan masyarakat, seminar pengembangan eskul&karya ilmiah remaja, wawasan kebangsaan, banyak lagi, deh. Itu semua berhargaa banget! Saya bersyukur dan senang banget bisa ikut acara seminar sepeti itu, banyak sekali pelajaran yg saya dapatkan. Dan saya juga banyak mengenal orang-orang baru, bertemu dengan orang-orang hebat. Saya senang sekali. Saya merasa saya sudah mulai berani berbicara dengan orang, walau terkadang masih suka takut, tapi terlihat sekali perkembangannya. Ohya, saya juga ikut tim paskibraka smaridasa. Dan dari semua kegiatan yg saya ikutin, ditariklah satu julukan baru untuk saya: Wanita Anggun dan Om Anggun. Okay. I'm fine. Fine. SAYA BUKAN OM PLS SAYA WANITA ANGGUN OKAY I'M FEMININE. TRUST ME. IT WORKS. #apasih

So, saya beruntung banget bisa masuk SMA 10. Banyak teman baru, pengalaman baru, pengetahuan baru. Yaa walau k13 agak membebani sih, banyak tugas tiap hari. Tapi senang ada lintas minat. Saya ambil English and Deutsch. I'd really love to learn Deutsch. Hallo, mein Name ist Esa! Wehee pamer bisa Bahasa Jerman. Jadi ya saya kira segitu aja, first quarter sama second quarter of my 2014 beda banget! So sad gak bisa liburan akhir tahun karena kakak saya resepsi pernikahan. Ohiya, happy wedding my sis! Mba Nike&Mas Kevin. Long last, jadi keluarga yg sakindah, mawadah dan warrahmah ya! Bikin anak yg banyaak, yg lucu-lucu ya. Jadi lebih dewasa lagi, okay? Many people said that I am more mature than you XD In the end of this January, I'll have a study tour to Batam-Malaysia-Singapore yeaayyyy I will blog about that. Sorry if in this post i didn't include any picture because I'm too lazy to move the pictures from my phone hehe sorry.

Wishnya di 2015, semoga nilai pelajaran bagus-bagus, dapat lebih banyak pengalaman lagi, semoga banyak pengalaman bahagia, sehat walafiat, dapet pacar yg diinginkan,okay please act like you didn't see my last wish XD. So I think that's all, I wish you have a good luck in 2015!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My Trip to Thailand

Hi! This is my first post. In this post I will talk about my holiday last year to Thailand in December 2013.     
                      I arrived at Thai in the night

My mom slept in the airplane with my doll

This is what I ate in the airplane. It's so tasty :"  

 So I arrived in Don Mueang International Airport. I thought that I'll arrive in the new one, Suvarbhumi International Airport but unfortunately Thai Lion Air only has connection with Don Mueang. So, once i arrived in the airport, i met my tour guide, Ricky. He can speak both Thailand and Bahasa so my family could communicate well with him. After we took our luggage, we went to our hotel, Asia Hotel. It is located in the center of Bangkok, so if I want to go to the mall I only took 1 station with BTS Skytrain if I'm not wrong. BTS Skytrain is an elevated rapid transit system in Bangkok, Thailand. So this is the photo I took when I arrived to my hotel.
we ate dinner

It was xmas that time, so the hotel got this  decoration in the lobby

There were also souvenir shop in the lobby. It's a soap!

Then we went to our room. My mom gave me and my bro money and we went to 7eleven(horaay)

In the next day, we went to Pattaya. We went to the beach, and watched Al Cazar cabaret show where I met beautiful Aommy Marvin. We also went to Nong Nooch Tropical Garden too. They got lots of pretty flowers, there was Thailand traditional dance show and elephant show too. I wanna go back there again :(

with Aommy

flowers :((((

Then we went back to Bangkok. We also visited Madame Tussauds Museum. As we know, Madame Tussauds is a wax museum. They has a lot potraits of artists, entertainers, scientists, athletes, dll. Here's my pict in Madame Tussauds Bangkok
Ir. Soekarno~

i forgot his name

*kamera salah fokus*

Just a random snowman~
We also visited Wat Arun and Wat  Pho. I ate fresh roasted squid, drink sweet coconut water in Wat Arun rest area. The temple is very beautiful too. Then in the night, we had a lovely dinner cruise on Chao Phraya river. It was very awesome, we got a free cocktail too. Gosh, I really wanna go back there.
Wat Arun temple

A beautiful architecture

A sweet cute coconut!

The fresh squid(~'-')~

Tadaaa fresh squid with sauce
The Reclining Buddha in Wat Pho
noticed something beautiful on the wall
It is kinda big, huh?
The dinner ticket~
Free cocktail~

Wat Arun Temple!

Very beautiful right? The foods was not dissapointing too, it was very delicious. I think we can use Mahakam River like that too. And as I know, Thailand use cassava as their energy sources. Imagine how eco-friendly it is. Back to my trip. So, in the next day, i had my flight back to Indonesia and i ate the same instant noodle as before
Bought Tao Ke Noi originally from its country!

Thailand's sky when I left:(

Dat yummy orange one tho :P
Ah right, i celebrate my new year iSo, thank you for reading my first post. I am truly sorry, I know  I got a lot of mistakes in my verb or grammar, I'm just a beginner in English so, have a nice day!^^ (I would like to post about my school trip to Singapore-Malaysia this January. Coming soon!)